
Benzishoizolinone 20% / Bit-20 cas 2634-33-5

Benzishoizolinone 20% / Bit-20 cas 2634-33-5

Produktnumm:Benzishoizolinone 20% / Bit-20

Markennumm:Mosv Bit

Cas #:2634-33-5




Promrat Detail


Benzthozedolinone / Bit-20 Parameteren


Inci Cas # Molekular Mw



C7h5nos  151.18600

Baach-20 Biotide ass e breede Sprorum Microbizid fir d'Eréierung vun engem industriellste Produkter, an der Mikroorganisme.



Kloer amber Flëssegkeet
Aktiv Zutat 20%
PH (10% am Waasser) 11110-13.0
Spezifesch Gravitéit (G / ML) 1.14 op 25 ° C
Temperatur Stabilitéit

Tabell bis zu 50 ° C (fir kuerz Perioden bis zu 100 ° C ofhängeg vum Matrix)


pH Stabilitéit


Stabil beim pH 4 - 12

Package protegéieren

20 kg / Pail

Period vun der Validitéit



Ënner Shada, dréchnen a gesécheren Betriber.

Benzishoizolinone / Bit-20 Applikatioun

An verschiddene Botzungsproduzenten an och gréng Maach An wéi Wahrlässegkeet, Loft Spurharen, Strummer, Haushalter, a méigelaschen ofzesécheren, a méi leeft. It is used at a rate of 0.10% to 0.30% (by weight) when added to laundry and household cleaning products .In addition to cleaning products, benzisothiazolinone has a dizzying number of other uses.It may be found in flea and tick treatments, paints, stains, car care products, textile solutions, metalworking fluids, oil recovery fluids, leather processing chemicals, pesticides, paper mill systems, and building products, such as Klebstoff, Caulks, Händler, Halps, Spullelen, an Willbocks. Also, it is commonly used in personal care products, such as sunscreens and liquid hand soaps, and as an inert ingredient on crops, such as blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, and more.


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